
Tools installation for project

You need a couple of tools to work with the template, basically this template made using Gulp so you can get a dist/ folder after build a gulp. You can use this folder to upload on your server.

Installation on Local Server
Node js Installation

For influencing utilization of this template to genuine power you'll require Gulp, and for Gulp you'll require Node.js to be installed on your system. Download the most recent rendition of Node.js from here

Gulf js

After installing Node.js, you need to install Gulp on your system. Run this command in Terminal/CMD of your system: npm install -g gulp

Install Modules of the template

Open Terminal/CMD in the template folder and run this command : npm install. This command will install the tools required for this template, for example build tools like SASS Compiler, Autoprefixer etc.

Running the environment

To start working with the template, just open Terminal/CMD in the template folder and run gulp watch. This will start the work environment for you. Now you can edit the template in the Code Editor of your choice.

Making Distribution Folder

To make deployable template, just open Terminal/CMD in the template folder and run this command : gulp build. This will generate dist/ folder in your template directory. You can directly upload this folder to your server.

Making Production Distribution Folder

To make deployable template, just open Terminal/CMD in the template folder and run this command : gulp build:prod. This will generate dist/ folder in your template directory. You can directly upload this folder to your server.