Helper Classes

Helper Classes of this template

There are some helper classes included in this template.

Helper Classes of this Template
Class Descriptions
.img-fluid Responsive image
.img-thumbnail Thumbnail image
.border Apply border around element
.border-*(top, right, etc...) Apply border particular side on element. like: top, right, bottom, and left
.border-0 Remove border around element
.border-*(top, right, etc...)-0 Remove border particular side on element. like: top, right, bottom, and left
.border-*(primary, secondary, etc..) Apply border color
Border Radius
.rounded Apply border radius on element
.rounded-*(top, right, etc...) Apply border radius particular side on element. like: top, right, bottom, and left
.rounded-circle This class make circle on any element
.rounded-pill Apply border radius pill on element
.rounded-0 Remove border radius on element
.rounded-sm Apply small border radius on element
.rounded-lg Apply large border radius on element
Display Property
.d-*(none, inline, etc...) Display classes are available in all the display properties like: none, inline, inline-block, block, table, table-cell, table-row, flex, and inline-flex. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .d-{breakopint}-{value}
.embed-responsive Using this class rules are directly applied to <iframe>, <object>, <embed>, and <video>
.embed-responsive-*(21by9, 16by9, etc...) Set aspect ratios using these classes like: 21by9, 16by9, 4by3, and 1by1
.flex-*(row, column, etc...) Flex classes are available in all the flex properties like: row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse, fill, nowrap, wrap, and wrap-reverse. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .flex-{breakopint}-{value}
.flex-*(grow, shrink) Using these classes set flex property to element like: grow and row-shrink. Two variety of these classes are 0 and 1 These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .flex-{grow|shrink}-{0|1}
.justify-content-*(start, end, etc...) Using these classes justify content of flex element like: start, end, center, between, and around. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .justify-content-{breakopint}-{value}
.align-content-*(start, end, etc...) Using these classes align content of flex element like: start, end, center, between, and around. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .align-content-{breakopint}-{value}
.align-items-*(start, end, etc...) Using these classes set align items of flex element like: start, end, center, baseline, and stretch. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .align-items-{breakopint}-{value}
.align-self-*(start, end, etc...) Using these classes set align self of flex element like: start, end, center, baseline, and stretch. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .align-self-{breakopint}-{value}
.order-*(0, 1, etc...) Using these classes set order of flex element, classes are available 0 to 12. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .order-{breakopint}-{value}
.float-*(left, right, etc...) Using these classes you can set float properties like: left, right, and none. These Classes are available in break point also like: sm, md, lg, and xl for example .float-{breakopint}-{value}
Position Property
.position-*(sticky, relative, etc...) Position classes are available in all the Position properties like: static, relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky.
.shadow Using this class you can set shadow on element.
.shadow-*(none, sm, etc...) Using these classes you can set shadow on element like: none, sm, and lg.
.w-*(25, 50, etc...) Using these classes you can set width to element like: 25, 50, 75, 100, and auto.
.h-*(25, 50, etc...) Using these classes you can set height to element like: 25, 50, 75, 100, and auto.