
Inform about SCSS files

You can find all the sass in the src/assets/scss folder, all the compiled SCSS are returned to dist/assets/css. You'll get the following files and folders in scss folder.

SCSS/CSS files instruction
Compiled Files

Without underscore(_) .scss files are compiled to dist/assets/css. It houses the main styling styles.scss and the pre-loader styling used


A common and main scss files of this project included in src/assets/scss/base folder like: colors, config, etc...


You can get apps related scss file here in src/assets/scss/apps folder like: email, chat, etc...


All basic scss files of this project it's all are included in src/assets/scss/frameworks folder like: base, components, etc...

Config File

You can see one config file in all respective folders which is needed for scss file. It is used for configure all the variables of a particular scss file.